Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 35 // Lesson learned

So, after my last post I was feeling pretty distraught.
Last night, I was meandering through the internet and got this incredible urge to meditate and just ask Cerridwen what I'm supposed to do.

So I sat in front of my altar and upon entering my inner temple, I immediately changed how I called the elements. I felt much more connected to say the least. I joked with my self about just calling down Cerridwen.. an informal invocation if you will to chat with her. And so, in my head, it was a less than graceful yell to the heavens to see if she would respond.

And she did.

I'm feeling much more at peace and convinced that I must work with Cerridwen. I can't say she chose me or claimed me. I can say that she could care less if I walked away from her and I'm very pleased with all of this. Let's just say part of our dialogue went like this:
"How do I know you're really you and not a figment of my imagination? How I can believe this is real?"
"You already believe. You have to trust yourself. Now stop moping around and do something."

Whether it was my higher self responding or Cerridwen, I get the point. Who cares? If I believe it's Cerridwen, just trust it and go with it.

Excellent. I ran a 3 card Tarot spread over the situation and it correctly described my spiritual past as frustrated, my spiritual present as confused and my spiritual future as harmony. Pleased as punch!

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