Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 26 // Altar

So, remember my awesome altar on top of my old dresser that I talked about?
Yea, I moved it. To the spare bedroom. Out of my large walk-in closet.

I decided that most people were right and hiding my altar felt like I was hiding a piece of me. So I moved it. It's now in the spare room and I have an entire room to myself for crafts (of all sorts.. since I dabble in quilting, scrapbooking and everything else.) It's right there along side my creative energies :)

I love having everything set out as I walk by it. It doesn't feel so .. I dunno.. hidden? Ah well.
I'm going to be making an altar cloth for it. I'm thinking of quasi-quilting something together for it from my wedding cloth. See, we decorated my whole wedding ourselves (my family since we're quite crafty.. and I promise it didn't look white trash at all.. girl scout promise).. and the fabric we used for table runners and what not.. well I kept the extra knowing that one day I'd have a use for it. I've used it for bordering a wedding book for us.. and things like that. I'm thinking of using some more for my altar cloth. What better way could there be to lay down love ;)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had a spare room for my altar and crafty stuff. I am cramped in my bed room.

    I love having my altar out. It is a constant reminder :D Enjoy
