Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 1 // New Beginnings

Even though I’ve been rekindling my love for my beliefs for several weeks, I’m counting today as day one.

My make-shift book of shadows still remains as a spiral notebook with random ramblings, lists of ideas, lists of needs, lists of wants, and more lists. Did I mention I’m a list maker? It’s because I like to plan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty good on my feet in the heat of the moment when it matters, but I love having a plan. And a list. or two. or five.


I was out today with L2 (hubby for 5.5 years) and Fawn (our 23month old daughter). I finally managed to get a working candle and a matching set of candles for the Goddess and God, as well as 2 glass plates to put them on. I’m recycling a very wicked-looking vase I was given a while back, but never used, to hold my working candle. The first steps to a real altar. It will be modest to say the least, but every altar has to start somewhere and it most definitely doesn’t matter how elaborate it is as long as the intention is there. As well as, hubby and I went a bit overboard on the tax money and spent it all redoing our downstairs (floors, dining room set, new living room suite, etc). So I’ll be in a better position to get supplies in a few weeks. But all in due time.

My plan tomorrow is to start reorganizing our large walk-in closet to make room for a table to be my altar. I’m super excited about claiming some space. And no worries, my husband isn’t shoving me in the closet. lol. We have a free third bedroom, I could claim but the idea of friends and family coming to stay and as I am not public about my religious choice, and don’t plan on being any time soon, taking down everything I will eventually have up seems a bit daunting. Therefore, I’ll just start in the large closet and be able to keep it away from others all the time.

The real treat? I just learned this weekend that a very old-fashioned wardrobe my mother had been using for 28 years is now mine. She bought it at an estate sale for 48$ when she was pregnant with me with the intention of giving it to me one day. It’s taking up space in her house and with my new path I realized what an ideal craft cabinet it would make. I’ll take pictures when we’ve moved it in. It’s believed to be over 100 years old.

I titled Day 1 as new beginnings because, well the obvious for starting my path, but not only buying the very first pieces to my altar BUT with beginning my craft as well. I bought herb seeds and have planted them today in a large germination tray. There’s about 13 different types and I have already made plans for where they will be transplanted too in September. I love herbs. I love the idea of growing and caring for them. I love the idea of drying them out and using them in incense and tinctures. If I could purr, I’d be doing it right now ;P

Quite a successful Day 1. I admit.
Aside from the magick already occurring in my life. I fell in love with herbs as a part of religious practice and have been pouring over youtube videos, websites and encyclopedias thinking how wonderful it would be to have my own garden and that I would have to make one, one day and low and behold, a friend had found some extra biodegradable germination trays and offered me one with six sets of herb seeds to get started. They hadn’t known I had been looking into growing herbs. ..
Then there’s the case of the soon-to-be witchie cabinet coming my way. With all the right compartments, to be used as such presents itself right when I decide to claim some space.

The Goddess is alive and magick is afoot, I believe ;) Be positive, be love and you will find love in everything.

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