Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 8 // BoS & Altar

    So I finally gathered the materials to begin building my Book. But it will take probably until the full moon to get it set up, which is great. I'll be happy if I have the bulk (the paper) portion of the book completed and set out in the moonlight by then. I've got 11 days.
    My current BoS is a spiral bound notebook. Lawl. Hey, we all have to start somewhere. Ill take pictures and post them as I build it.
    Today I went to Hobby Lobby and found that candles were 50% off! Bought several tapers in several different colors for $ .50, all candle holders too. I got an incense burner I can tolerate from World Market. It's meant to be a candle holder, but I'm adapting it for burning cone incense. It's just me but I can't stand how silly stick incense looks sticking out of a hole from something. Way to phallic for my liking, but then again.. .maybe I'm just perverted. lol. So anyway, cute little incense holder over my altar. Ribbon and trim was 50% off too, so I bought some satin rope for making bags which brings me to my largest purchase! I finally got a crop-a-dile!
    I dabble in scrapbooking and a crop-a-dile is a necessity for creating holes in materials for the books as well as installing snaps and eyelets. WELL! I finally got one and I'm so excited I can use it for making bags too! Ya know, little bags to hold my tarot cards, runes, etc.
    In another store, I found this adorable little dish made in japan in the shape of a bloated fish. I'm using it to hold water on my altar.
    I also found a little ceramic square dish made in japan that I'm going to use as an offering plate. Currently, it's holding rocks L2 (my hubby) has collected and thought was cool. The poor things have been sitting on our dresser forever with no proper home. Consider it taken care of.
    Found a glass bottle to hold some gemstones.
    BEST OF ALL! I got all of Fawn's birthday shopping done as well as party decoration shopping! Over the summer, I'll be repainting her bedroom to be a fairy-land. The plan is to paint the walls purple with a mural on her largest wall of a magical forest. Then paint and decorate bird houses from craft stores into fairy houses and hang them from the roof in her room to give the decorations a more interactive feel. I'm not quite sure what to put on the actual walls yet where there isn't a mural. Ah well, it'll come to me ;) I love painting so it should be a fantastic project and I'll be sure to show lots of pictures.
    Lessee.. other than that. Busy weekend! Busy week to come! I have cookies to make tomorrow for a colleague who is returning to work after being gone for four months due to a broken hip. I have Fawn's birthday presents to wrap, day care cupcakes to make and her birthday cake for her party Saturday. Pictures to follow! :)

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