Sunday, January 15, 2012

Review: Wizard's Tarot

I bought my first tarot deck about 10 years ago and hated it. The colors. The images. I hated everything about it. It was so not.. beautiful enough and I'm sort of .. how should I say.. artsy shallow? If its not gorgeous, I don't like it.
Of course, it was a Rider-Waite.

So.. fast forward 10 years and I finally took the time to learn the cards, meditate over them, the whole she-bang. I enjoyed it a lot even though I wasn't too keen on the imagery. Cue.. search for a prettier card set. Yes, I said prettier.

I'm not really sure how I came about Wizard's Tarot by Corrine Kenner, but when I saw the painted images I loved it. I LOVE digital/oil painting and that's exactly what it looks like. So since I'm a non-nonsense kinda gal.. I'm going to get to the point.

Paper Quality: Decent. Just like I like my men, not too flimsy, not too stiff. Ooh. No. Bad analogy.

Deck Size: Perfect, just like I like my m- . ... okay.. No seriously. They're JUST slightly smaller than the traditional Rider-Waite which makes a HUGE difference to me. I have small hands and shuffling was a honed skill for me.

Art Quality: Great. If you love paintings, fantasy worlds... then this deck is a lot of fun to look through. The Majors are beautiful. Some despise the Pentacles for looking like a bunch of male wrestlers (even the females), and it does have a negative connotation to it when I'm reading them but for the most part they don't bother me.

Back Design: Beautiful but one sided. You'll be able to tell if the card is reversed or not. To some that's a plus, to me... not so much.

Book: Cheesy. It has some good spreads, but the story line behind the deck was not interesting to me and nor do I care about it being a school of magic. Don't get it for the book unless you like that sort of thing.

Over all:
I give it 4 out of 5 sexy witchy ladies!
Why?: When I pulled out the cards and began looking through them and learning them, I 'heard' them. I could hear the scenes they were in, I could 'visualize' what each one sounded like and that was incredibly awesome. They are the deck I primarily use because of this feature. If I sit and meditate in a reading, I can hear the emotion in the cards. That's the biggest plus.

The biggest negative for me is the fact I can tell the card is reversed before placing it down and I have a feeling it most likely dictates, 'subconciously' how often I feel I need to shuffle.. before even seeing the result.

Happy reading!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year's Resolutions are for chumps.

I say that as I'm eating my delicious grapefruit.
Truth is.. they're not for chumps if you make general statements for the improvement of YOU -- be it physical, mental, or spiritual.

2011 Resolution: Discover what makes me happy.
Notes-It was a fantastic, daunting journey. It took all year, and I read A LOT, but I'm always the good student and apply everything I read to my life to see what I can learn from it. I fine tuned who I was and what makes me happy and while I change and grow everyday, I still have a better sense of who I am in my core.

2012 Resolution: 100% all in.
Reason-I tend to be a chicken shit. The last few years I've been pursuing my second career with toes just dipped in the icy water of reality and it scared me frozen. My husband and I had wanted to go from vegetarian to vegan for health. Those are just a few examples. Well, my goal this year was to STOP being a chicken shit. Jump all in. Feet first. Without looking back. If I know in my heart its the right thing to do -- then give it my 100%. So, I'm currently working again on my second career and not letting fear run me. We've also made a commitment to be 100% raw vegan for 6 months.

Life is short. I have one family member who passed away in a matter of weeks with stage 4 ovarian cancer. I have another family member who has been battling cancer for years in various organs and never knows if she'll live to see the next year.

If last year, was your year... take another stab at it and make this one even better.
If not, this year is your year. Grab life by the testicles and take it for a ride. No fear. No insecurity. Be you. Be love. Be happiness. Be awesome.

Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm baaaacccckkkk...

Once.. my year and a day blog. Now turned to witchy woman incognito!

So what happened between that last post and now....
A whole hell of a lot.

1. I finally got the promotion I had been working on at work and I'm much happier.
2. Despite previously stated promotion -- I'm working on my second career.
3. I was accepted into grad school and have completed a semester. *sigh* three and a half to go. *remember kids, you're never too old for school*
4. That's pretty much it!

My husband (L2) and I took a random, short vacation to the pacific northwest last summer and loved it so much.. we are setting ourselves up to move there in 2013. In fact, its our entire goal. Everything we do today is for that goal.

My little one (Fawn) is getting bigger and more beautiful every day.

And what is this witch doing daily? I'm up to lots of shit. Stay tuned.